
A verified process from order to delivery

Business is full of unpredictable situations. But there’s no need for packaging to be one of them.

At Kartem we are well aware of the importance of delivery deadlines and how important it is for packaging to be ready on time and free from imperfections.

When we receive an order, our delivery times are reliable, meaning that the customer can continue to focus on key priorities without worrying about packaging.

A verified process from order to delivery

How we ensure uncompromising reliability

Your concern becomes our concern. We are fully committed to the goal of relieving you of as much stress as possible. Once we accept an order, your concern becomes our concern. You no longer need to worry, as we take care of everything.

We leave nothing to chance. We have developed our own reliability system, which we are constantly improving. Using in-house process digitalisation and traceability tools, we track and control every detail of your order – from initial enquiry to production, from palletisation to every single detail on the packaging.

Certification that proves the highest quality level. Proof that our operations and work conform to international quality standards for good business practices is the fact that we have obtained ISO 9001 certification.

What is good today, isn’t necessarily good tomorrow. That is why we consistently and successfully adhere to the requirements of standards, strive constantly for improvements and set ourselves higher goals every year.

More than 90% of our customers become our permanent business partners. Another measure of our reliability is the way in which we have succeeded in increasing production by 500% in a very short period.

How we ensure uncompromising reliability

A real-life example

Continuous and automated packaging deliveries 

“An online retailer experiencing problems with warehousing space and an unreliable previous packaging supplier contacted us to ask us to supply packaging on a continuous basis at precisely determined intervals.

How did we do it? Using our in-house tools, we constantly monitor existing stocks of material and launch activities at exactly the right moment to ensure that the customer receives the deliveries exactly when they need them.”

A real-life example

Frequently asked questions 

Browse the answers to some frequently asked questions about our reliability.

We don’t have space to store packaging but we are bound by strict delivery deadlines. Will we have to call you every time we need a new packaging delivery?

No, you can rest assured. If you can provide us with timely forecasts of your needs, we will take care of delivering the desired quantities on time.

The company we were working with, promised us a lot, but in the end we were disappointed with their packaging. Why should we trust you?

Before your first order, we always make a sample of packaging and send it to you for approval. This sets the quality standard that we then have to meet. We only promise what we are able to deliver.

Our quantities are currently small, but we are expecting to grow in the future. We are looking for reliable packaging partner that will grow together with us. Could this be you?

We treat big and small customers equally. We have already been involved in many projects where we began with small quantities and grew together with the client. You can order quantities ranging from as few as 50 pieces to as many as a million pieces of packaging. We will show you the same commitment we show to all our customers.

We always ensure that our packaging is cost-effective and, together with the customer, optimise processes for optimal operations. We are proud of the many success stories of our long-standing customers.

What does your ISO 9001 certification mean?

ISO 9001 is an international quality management standard that proves that we are continually improving our business practices, ensuring successful long-term partnerships with customers and suppliers, and in this way increasing customer satisfaction.

You can find even more answers to frequently asked questions about packaging on our FAQ page. If you can’t find an answer to your question, contact us by phone on +386 (0)3 5653630 every working day between 7.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m., write to us at or complete the enquiry form below. We will be happy to answer your question.

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